I will illustrate and explain with an example how to place Switch Stands.Let’s take the Switch Stand on this picture:
Let’s begin by clicking the Select button indicated by the red arrow.Then click on the Switch to select it.Note on a paper the x position of the Object in the Object Window and the tile x and tile z in the Camera Window
Press the More button to open the Object Selector.Choose the Que_SSCN_SR_1tSwt_w_x10dL_G-R_Left.s.Why? Because we are on the Main Track, we must choose the Green-Red Switch Stand.As the Switch Stand will be on the left side of the Switch, we must choose G-R Left.Press OK.
HINT: Take an above view to see exactly where you want to put the Switch Stand.In this example, we have a berm placed where we want to put the Que_SSCN_SR_1tSwt_w_x10dL_G-R_Left.s.The Select Button already pressed, we will be able to Select the Berm.Let’s Select this Berm by clicking on it.
As you see, the Berm is now transparent.Click the Place button again.We can now see the cross to place the Switch Stand.Place the Que_SSCN_SR_1tSwt_w_x10dL_G-R_Left.s outside the red pole indicating the Beginning of the Switch.
You can see on this picture that the Indicator (Red Triangle) is facing the Switch.This is not the correct position
Press the Rotate button.By pressing on the left arrow key in the navigation keypad, we can rotate the Switch Stand to the left.As you see, the Red indicator is now facing the opposite of the Switch.This is the correct position.
Note on a paper the x Position of the Switch Stand in the Object Window.Right-Click on the mouse to open the Properties Box.Click the General (cont.) tab and make this object a Terrain Object.
Click on the Signal Tab.Click on the <<link>> button.This will open Link Signal Head window.Position the mouse on the Main Track and click to select the Main Path.
As you can see on this picture, the <<link>> turned to link and the Main Path is indicated by a green line.Now, as we want a Control Motor and Rods, select Control, Control Rod1 and Control Rod2.Press OK.
Make a Back-up of the World tile w-pos_x +pos_z .w in case of problem.Now open with WordPad or a Text Editor able to save in Unicode Text Format.Search the position of the Switch previously noted on a paper.Check if the result is the Switch. Be Careful at this moment.Copy the Position and QDirection lines.
Now Search the the position of the Switch Stand previously noted on a paper.Check if the result is the Switch Stand. Be Careful at this moment.
Select the Position and Qdirection Lines.Paste the Position and QDirection lines previously copied.Save the World .w in Unicode Text Format.
Reopen the Route in the Editor and the Switch Stand should be at the right place.The indicator (Green Square) should be green for the Main Track.Hope This Tutorial Useful to you.RobertThe_Genesis_Man
First thing to do: Make a Backup of your route in case of problem.At first, we have this 10 degrees Left Switch.